The rates of autism in children have increased from 1 in 150 in 200 to 1 in 36 as of 2023, and there is mounting evidence that exposure to pesticides/herbicides in the womb could contribute to this rise in neurological disorders in our children including ADD/ADHD, lower IQs, and also cancer risks.

To share information on these concerns and courses of action, the Poison Apple Education Project has authored a nutritional brochure for new mothers: WHAT TO EAT FOR A DEVELOPING CHILD which includes nutritional information provided by registered dietician Christi Salem M.S., R.D.

The use of pesticides in US agriculture started in the 1930’s and became widespread in the 1940’s when chemical warfare was produced alongside industrial agriculture around the time of WWII, and later Vietnam. Unfortunately, due to the result of the Toxic Substance Control Act of 1976 that states, “Chemicals are safe until proven dangerous,” this transition of chemicals into our food supply has not been proven safe – it’s only “not” been proven unsafe. There have been revisions added to the TSC in 2016, which provided more EPA control over industrial agricultural pesticides and herbicides, but they are far behind in their assessment of their use and impact.

It is our hope that in spreading information about these real and possible dangers, expectant mothers can make more informed decisions, and families can eventually help influence regulators, lawmakers, and food retailers in making clean, pesticide/herbicide-free produce accessible to all American families.

Like Snow White who ate the beautiful apple she didn’t know was laced with poison; we are eating food that has been manufactured to be pretty but might be just as dangerous as her “poison apple.”

Please spread the word to anyone you know who is pregnant or planning to be, that ingesting pesticide/herbicide-laden produce poses neurological risks for developing children. By choosing organic, pesticide/herbicide-free produce expectant parents can reduce these risks.

Download your pintable copy of the brochure available on this website.